Friends of Maclay Gardens invite lovers of landscapes, gardens, fresh air and sunshine to take part in the 23rd annual Tour of Gardens, showcasing some of the prettiest spots in all of Tallahassee and Leon County. The 2017 Tour of Gardens is tomorrow.
There’s a continental breakfast, silent auction and plant sale at Maclay Gardens, right around the corner from us on Thomasville Road. You’ll get maps and directions for a self-paced and self-driven tour of eight area gardens.
You will, of course, want to stay with us and sit in our little English garden after your day at Maclay!
#MaclayGardens #RightAroundtheCorner #Tallahassee #BedandBreakfast #Since2003 #nearMaclay #FSU #FAMU #TMH #TCC #Capital #Capitol #nearrestaurants #MarketDistrict #hotels #inns #cottage #English #lodging #British #tea #crumpets #flowers #perdiem #stateshouse #govrate #airbnb #freewifi #freeparking #freebreakfast #romantic #experience #topreviews #bestplacetostay @LittleEnglishGuesthouse