Do you believe in the kindness of strangers?

Queen Elizabeth II died last week. I’ve been rather glued to the TV to grieve with my fellow countrymen from afar. It is quite a monumental event, even for those of us who left Britain, set up home and family in a new country, and accepted new citizenship.

Over the course of the last week as I’ve run around all over Tallahassee, it has done my heart good to see so many American flags at half mast. Indeed, all over America, even in Washington DC, flags have been flying at half mast for Queen Elizabeth. The past few years have been quite divisive and unpleasant, to say the least. For now, it feels like there’s some unity again. The world appears to be in unity, mourning a monarch that has served for 70 years. That has never been done before, and done well. She was most certainly a  good and faithful servant, Queen Elizabeth II.

Yes, it seems like the world is having a moment. Of unity. How marvelous.

So amidst these moments of gratitude I’ve been experiencing since September 8th, something else happened.

I received an incredibly gorgeous, abundant, bouquet of flowers, delivered to the door of the Little English Guesthouse, while I was away.

Here’s the note attached – “Deepest condolences on the passing of Queen Elizabeth from your neighbors around the corner. My parents always had tea at four o clock and greatly admired the Queen”.

How devastatingly kind! And bang on time for me. It’s been just a bit of a week, even aside from the Queen dying.

So while I hunt down these unknown neighbours, to thank them for their surprising, generous gift (share this blog, and help me find them!), come take a look at what kindness looks like.

They’ll be on display in the conservatory at the Little English Guesthouse on Timberlane Road, until they fade and wilt. I may just keep culling the dead ones, until there’s only one flower left.

And while I’m on the subject, try showing kindness to a stranger, today.

You may never be rewarded for it in any meaningful way, but it may mean the world to someone who is having just a bit of a week. Even aside from the queen dying.

Just Do It.

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The Staffordshire Room  | Little English Guesthouse B&B, Tallahassee, FL


The Staffordshire Room  | Little English Guesthouse B&B, Tallahassee, FL

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